Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

Panduan Dasar Day Trading

“Trading” mungkin memiliki usia setara dengan keberadaan manusia di muka bumi. Di mulai dari manusia prasejarah yang mengumpulkan barang-barang kecil namun memiliki kegunaan dan mulai bertukar satu sama lain dengan tujuan bertahan hidup. Seiring perjalanan waktu, konsep “trading” semakin maju dan berkembang. Trading pun bukan lagi konsep bisnis riil namun telah merambah dunia keuangan. Bahkan di financial world inilah “trading” memiliki definisi dan konsep tersendiri dibandingkan dengan konsep trading pada umumnya.

Artikel ini akan sedikit menjelaskan jenis dan tujuan dari day trading, istilah kunci dan hal-hal lain yang berhubungan .

Jenis day trading – tergantung dari periode waktu posisi yang diambil:

  • Basic Day Trading – Day trader mengambil posisi tertentu dan akan melikuidasi seluruh posisinya diakhir sesi perdagangan di hari yang sama. Transaksi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan jangka pendek dan meminimalkan resiko dari fluktuasi harga yang akan muncul di sesi perdagangan berikutnya.
  • Swing Day Trading – Day trader membuat posisi untuk periode yang lebih lama seperti beberapa jam atau hari untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar. Namun swing trading akan terkena resiko yang besar dari ketidakstabilan hariga yang terjadi di pasar.
  • Position Trading – seperti namanya, trader membuat posisi dan merencakan posisi likuidasi berdasarkan perhitungan atau nilai pasar. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan menyimpan/membiarkan posisi untuk beberapa minggu bahkan bulan, namun tingkat keuntungan yang sangat baik adalah syarat yang harus dipenuhi.
  • Online Trading – tipe ini juga dapat masuk ke dalam 3 tipe lainnya yang telah disebutkan diatas, namu pengambilan posisi dilakukan melalui internet. Karena jenis trading ini dilakukan dengan komputer, sebuah komputer dengan klsifikasi yang baik dan koneksi internet 24 adalah sesuatau yang harus dipenuhi.

Alasan utama kenapa day trading menjadi sangat menarik:

Likuiditas – likuiditas berhubungan dengan jumlah pembeli dan penjual. Semakin besar tingkat likuiditas, akan semakin tinggi level kenyaman dalam day trading. Tetapi nilai likuiditas tidak pernah stagnan. Hal ini tergantung dari banyak hal termasuk volume transaksi, jumlah saham beredar, dan kapitalisasi pasar.

  • Volume – memliki kontribusi terhadap faktor likuiditas. Semakin besar volume yang terjadi, berarti semakin cepat fluktuasi harga akan terjadi. Volume transaksi dapat di evaluasi untuk kepentingan day trading.
  • Volatilitas – berarti pergerakan naik dan turun dari sebuah pasar setiap hari. Jika volatilitas berkurang atau menyusut, hal ini akan berdampak tidak baik bagi day trading. Jumlah volatilitas tertentu dibutuhkan untuk membuat day trading menjadi menarik.
  • Transparansi Harga - akan menjadi tolok ukur kestabilan dan integritas dari sebuah pasar. Semakin besar kapitalisasi pasar dan semakin banyak pelaku pasar yang berkecimpung disebuah pasar, berarti semakin besar level transparansi harga.
  • Tips umum untuk sukses melakukan day trading:

    • Pelajari pasar secara seksama sebelum mebuat posisi. Indikator pasar yang bisa didapatkan dari media massa seperti televisi, koran, radio, dan lain-lain dapat membantu dalam pembuatan analisa.
    • Jangan hanya termotivasi dengan keuntungan yang akan didapat. Setiap transaksi mungkin tidak akan mendapatkan keuntungan. Terapkan sebuah strategi dan disiplin dalam menggunakannya.
    • Bersabarlah dan jangan cepat panik. Jika anda tidak dapat mendapatkan keuntungan dalam waktu singkat, anda mungkin butuh bersabar dan melakukan riset pasar lanjutan kembali. Jangan cepat panik ketika posisi anda berlawanan arah dengan pergerakan pasar, ikuti strategi trading.
    • Jangan pernah lupa bahwa day trading memiliki resiko dan dimana ada keuntungan terdapat pula potensi kerugian. Oleh:mahadanalearning

    Pengenalan Analisa Teknikal (3)

    Indikator teknikal:
    Dibawah ini adalah beberapa tipe indikator yang digunakan dalam analisa teknikal.

    • Indikator Tren
      Tren adalah sebuah kata yang menggambarkan adanya pergerakan satu arah yang kuat di untuk beberapa waktu ke depan. Tren bergerak dalam 3 arah: naik, turun, dan menyamping. Indikator tren menghaluskan data harga yang bervariasi untuk menciptakan komposisi arah pasar. (contoh: Moving Average).
    • Indikator Kekuatan
      Kekuatan pasar menggambarkan intensitas dari opini pasar yang berhubungan dengan sebuah harga dengan melihat posisi pasar yang diambil oleh beragam pelaku pasar. Volume atau open interest adalah bahan dasar untuk indikator ini. Sinyal yang diberikan sifatnya coincident atau leading. (contoh: Volume)
    • Indikator Volatilitas
      Indikator volatilitas adalah istilah umum yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan kekuatan pergerakan, atau ukuran, dari fluktuasi harga harian terpisah dari arahnya. Umumnya, perubahan pada volatilitas cenderung mempengaruhi perubahan harga. (contoh: Bollinger Band)
    • Indikator Siklus
      Siklus digunakan untuk mengindikasikan adanya pola berulang dari pergerakan pasar, khusus untuk peristiwa berulang seperti musim, pemilihan umum, dan lainnya. Banyak pasar memiliki kecenderungan bergerak dalam pola siklus. Indikator siklus berguna untuk menentukan timing pola pasar tertentu. (contoh: Elliot Wave)
    • Indikator Support/Resistance
      Support resistance menggambarkan level harga dari kenaikan dan penurunan berulang dan kemudian berbalik arah. (contoh: Trend Lines)
    • Indikator Momentum
      Momentum adalah istilah umum untuk menggambarkan kecepatan pergerakan harga di periode tertentu. Indikator momentum menentukan kekuatan atau kelemahan dari sebuah tren. Momentum berada tertinggi ketika mulainya sebuah trend dan terendah pada saat perubahan arah. Divergence arah apapun dari harga dan momentum mengindikasikan pergerakan telah melemah. Jika terjadi pergerakan harga ekstrim dengan momentum yang lemah, hal itu merupakan sinyal dari akhir pergerakan di arah tersebut. Jika momentum bergerak tren dengan kuat dan harga bergerak datar, hal itu memberikan sinyal adanya potensi perubahan arah harga. (contoh: RSI, Stochastic, MACD) Oleh:mahadanalearning

    Pengenalan Analisa Teknikal (2)

    Sistem dari analisa teknikal biasanya termasuk grafik harga, grafik volume, dan beberapa metode matematik lainnya dari pola dan perilaku pasar. Metode manipulasi matematik dari bermacam-macam jenis data pasar ini digunakan untuk menentukan kekuatan dan ketahanan dari tren tertentu. Jadi analis teknikal cenderung untuk menggunakan berbagai bentuk analisis teknikal sebelum melakukan transaksi daripada hanya mengandalkan grafik harga untuk mengestimasi nilai pasar di masa datang.

    Sama halnya dengan aspek lain dari trading, dalam penggunaan analisa teknikal harus disiplin. Seringkali seorang trader gagal melakukan transaksi, membeli atau menjual, ketika harga telah mencapai pola teknikal yang diidentifikasi sebagai sinyal masuk atau keluar pasar. Ada banyak faktor lainnya yang berpengaruh terhadap hal ini seperti teknologi, fundamental dan lain sebagainya.

    Kesalahan umum yang sering dibuat oleh para trader adalah mengharapkan harga akan berbalik arah terhadap posisi yang merugi dan terlalu cepat melikuidasi posisi yang sedang mengalami keuntungan. Dibutuhkan kedisiplinan tinggi dalam penggunaan analisa teknikal.

    Grafik harga:

    • Bentuk Grafik Batang
      Terdapat banyak jenis grafik yang menunjukkan pergerakan harga, yang paling umum digunakan adalah grafik batang (bar chart). Tiap batang (bar) menandakan pergerakan harga di satu periode tertentu, satu menit, satu hari, atau satu bulan. Pergerakan harga dalam bentuk batang-batang ini akan membuat pola-pola tertentu pada suatu periode.
    • Bentuk Candlestick
      Seperti grafik batang, pola candlestick dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi pasar. Karena bentuknya memiliki warna, candlestick lebih memiliki efek visual dalam polanya daripada grafik batang.
    • Bentuk poin & figur
      Pola dalam bentuk ini sebenarnya sama dengan pola yang dihasilkan oleh grafik batang namun poin & figur tidak menggunakan skala waktu untuk mengindikasikan hari tertentu yang berhubungan dengan pergerakan harga tertentu. Oleh:mahadanalearning

    Pengenalan Analisa Teknikal (1)

    ImageAnalisa Teknikal adalah sebuah metode peramalan/estimasi pergerakan harga dengan melihat data historis harga yang terjadi di pasar. Data harga adalah jenis data yang paling banyak digunakan dalam proses analisa, walaupun ada beberapa jenis data lain yang juga digunakan dalam proses analisa seperti volume dan open interest dalam kontrak futures.

    Analisa Teknikal adalah sebuah metode peramalan/estimasi pergerakan harga dengan melihat data historis harga yang terjadi di pasar. Data harga adalah jenis data yang paling banyak digunakan dalam proses analisa, walaupun ada beberapa jenis data lain yang juga digunakan dalam proses analisa seperti volume dan open interest dalam kontrak futures. Pada intinya ketika menggunakan metode analisa teknikal apapun adalah kembali ke dasar teorinya, yang secara metodelogi telah terbukti kinerja untuk periode waktu yang signifikan. Setelah menemukan sebuah sistem trading yang sesuai, barulah bisa dicari teknik-teknik lain yang dapat digabungkan dengan metode trading yang sudah ada.

    Hampir semua trader menggunakan analisa teknikal walaupun jumlahnya minimum. Bahkan pihak-pihak yang sangat mengacu pada analisa fundamental akan menggunakan atau melihat terlebih dahulu grafik harga sebelum melakukan transaksi.

    Pada level teori yang sangat dasar, grafik membantu trader untuk menentukan level yang ideal untuk masuk pasar sebelum melakukan transaksi. Grafik menyediakan efek visual dari data historis pergerakan harga. Karenanya, trader dapat melihat grafik dan mengetahui apakah mereka membeli di harga yang wajar (berdasarkan data historis harga disebuah pasar tertentu), menjual di harga tertinggi periodik atau mungkin melakukan transaksi ketika pasar bergerak menyamping (sideways). Ini hanya beberapa kondisi pasar yang dapat di identifikasi oleh grafik. Grafik juga memungkinkan adanya analisa yang lebih canggih dan maju dari pergerakan harga.

    Dalam prakteknya, mungkin seorang analis teknikal mengesampingkan fundamental pasar dengan kesibukan dalam melihat grafik dan tabel data. Bagaimanapun, ini tergantung dari tipikal dari analis tersebut.

    Asumsi analisa teknikal:

    • Fundamental pasar telah berpengaruh terhadap harga pasar saat ini. Jadi fundamental pasar dan faktor lainnya, seperti perbedaan pendapat, harapan, rasa takut, dan sentimen pelaku pasar, tidak perlu dipelajari lebih lanjut.
    • Sejarah berulang dengan sendirinya dan karena itu pasar bergerak di kisaran yang dapat diprediksi, atau setidaknya memiliki pola tertentu. Pola-pola ini dihasilkan dari pergerakan harga, dinamakan sinyal. Tujuan analisa teknikal adalah untuk mendapatkan sinyal yang diberikan oleh kondisi pasar saat ini dengan mempelajari sinyal masa lalu.
    • Harga bergerak dalam bentuk tren. Analis teknikal biasanya tidak percaya bahwa fluktuasi harga bergerak dalam kondisi tidak terprediksi dan acak. Harga dapat bergerak dalam salah satu dari tiga bentuk arah, naik, turun, atau menyamping (sideways). Ketika sebuah tren terbentuk dari arah-arah pasar yang ada, biasanya akan berlanjut sampai beberapa periode.

    Panduan Kuotasi Forex

    Belajar membaca kuotasi forex (forex quotes) adalah tantangan tersendiri. Mereka mencerminkan informasi yang berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan kuotasi harga saham yang mayoritas dipahami. Ketika anda ingin memasuki dunia perdagangan forex (forex trading) dan telah siap dengan strategi tradingnya, anda perlu memastikan apakah anda telah memahami bagaimana cara membaca kuotasi forex.

    Bagian pertama dari kuotasi memberitahu investor atau trader mata uang yang tercantum. Negara yang disebutkan pertama kali adalah mata uang dasar (base currency). Hal ini berarti trader memegang mata uang tersebut dan ia menggunakannya untuk membeli mata uang yang menjadi pasangannya. Contoh, kuotasi dari USD/JPY berarti trader forex saat ini memiliki United States Dollar dan ingin menukarkannya dengan Japanese Yen. Kuotasi forex selalu di mulai seperti ini, dengan dua mata uang yang membentuk pasangan (cross).

    Pasar forex adalah pasar keuangan terbesar di dunia, dan melibatkan banyak pelaku pasar antara bank, bank sentral, spekulator mata uang, perusahaan multinasional, pemerintah, dan lembaga keuangan lainnya.

    Bagian kedua dari kuotasi forex adalah perlunya perhatian pada nilai dari kuotasi. Kita lanjutkan dengan contoh diatas, jika kuotasi dari USD/JPY=113.50, hal ini berarti untuk setiap US$1 yang diperdagangkan bernilai 113.50 Japanese Yen.

    Apakah anda tahu bahwa rata-rata volume transaksi pasar forex global saat ini mencapai US$2 sampai US$2.5 triliun.

    Mari kita lanjutkan, jangan lupa dengan komponen bid (jual) dan ask (beli). Kuotasi ini juga dikenal di dunia saham. Harga bid dan ask merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari kuotasi forex memiliki fungsi yang sama dengan kuotasi yang ada di saham. Harga bid (jual) adalah harga dimana seseorang dapat menjual mata uang, dengan kata lain adalah harga dimana pihak lain bersedia membayarnya. Harga ask (beli) adalah harga dimana seseorang harus membayar jika dia ingin membeli mata uang. Biasanya terdapat perbedaan antara harga bid dan ask, tetapi ini adalah hal yang normal.

    Saat ini terdapat lebih dari 60 jenis mata uang yang terdaftar pada pasar forex global. Jika anda perhatikan lebih teliti, 85% transaksi perdagangan mata uang dunia mengikutsertakan kombinasi dari US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, Canadian Dollar, Swiss Franc, serta Australian Dollar. Keenam mata uang tersebut biasa disebut dengan The Majors. Enam mata uang ini dianggap sebagai tulang punggung perdagangan mata uang dunia. Hal itu disebabkan oleh peraturan ketat yang menempel pada keenam mata uang tersebut sehingga menghasilkan mata uang dengan tingkat kestabilan sangat tinggi di dunia. Kestabilan tersebut membuat mereka merupakan investasi yang lebih aman dibandingkan dengan mata uang lainnya. Tingkat keamanan ini juga diperlihatkan melalui volume perdagangan yang besar. Oleh:mahadanalearning

    How to Trade Forex?

    Trading foreign exchange is exciting and potentially very profitable, but there are also significant risk factors. It is crucially important that you fully understand the implications of margin trading and the particular pitfalls and opportunities that foreign exchange trading offers. On these pages, we offer you a brief introduction to the Forex markets as well as their participants and some strategies that you can apply. However, if you are ever in doubt about any aspect of a trade, you can always discuss the matter in-depth with one of our dealers. They are available 24 hours a day on the Saxo Bank online trading system, SaxoTrader.

    The benchmark of its service is efficient execution, concise analysis and expertise – all achieved whilst maintaining an attractive and competitive cost structure. Today, Saxo Bank offers one of Europe's premier all-round services for trading in derivative products and foreign exchange. We count amongst our employees numerous dealers and analysts, each of whom has many years experience and a wide and varied knowledge of the markets – gained both in our home countries and in international financial centres. When trading foreign exchange, futures and other derivative products, we offer 24-hour service, extensive daily analysis, individual access to our Research & Analysis department for specific queries, and immediate execution of trades through our international network of banks and brokers. All at a price considerably lower than that which most companies and private investors normally have access to.

    The combination of our strong emphasis on customer service, our strategy and trading recommendations, our strategic and individual hedging programmes, along with the availability to our clients of the latest news and information builds a strong case for trading an individual account through Saxo Bank.

    Terms of trading are agreed individually depending on the volume of your transactions, but are generally much lower in cost when compared to banks and brokers. Your margin deposit can be cash or government securities, bank guarantees etc. Large corporate or institutional clients may be offered trading facilities on the strength of their balance sheet. The minimum deposit accepted for an individual trading account depends on the account type. Trade confirmations and real-time account overview are built into SaxoTrader, while further account information can be produced in accordance with your specific requirements. Oleh:forextrading

    Working with statistics

    Trade Balance

    The trade balance is a measure of the difference between imports and exports of tangible goods and services. The level of the trade balance and changes in exports and imports are widely followed by foreign exchange markets.

    The trade balance is a major indicator of foreign exchange trends. Seen in isolation, measures of imports and exports are important indicators of overall economic activity in the economy.

    It is often of interest to examine the trend growth rates for exports and imports separately. Trends in export activities reflect the competitive position of the country in question, but also the strength of economic activity abroad. Trends in import activity reflect the strength of domestic economic activity.

    Typically, a nation that runs a substantial trade balance deficit has a weak currency due to the continued commercial selling of the currency. This can, however, be offset by financial investment flows for extended periods of time.

    Gross Domestic Product

    The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the broadest measure of aggregate economic activity available. Reported quarterly, GDP growth is widely followed as the primary indicator of the strength of economic activity.

    GDP represents the total value of a country's production during the period and consists of the purchases of domestically produced goods and services by individuals, businesses, foreigners and the government.

    As GDP reports are often subject to substantial quarter-to-quarter volatility and revisions, it is preferable to follow the indicator on a year-to-year basis. It can be valuable to follow the trend rate of growth in each of the major categories of GDP to determine the strengths and weaknesses in the economy.

    A high GDP figure is often associated with the expectations of higher interest rates, which is frequently positive, at least in the short term, for the currency involved, unless expectations of increased inflation pressure is concurrently undermining confidence in the currency.

    Consumer Price Index

    The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average level of prices of a fixed basket of goods and services purchased by consumers. The monthly reported changes in CPI are widely followed as an inflation indicator.

    The CPI is a primary inflation indicator because consumer spending accounts for nearly two-thirds of economic activity. Often, the CPI is followed but excludes the price of food and energy as these items are generally much more volatile than the rest of the CPI and can obscure the more important underlying trend.

    Rising consumer price inflation is normally associated with the expectation of higher short term interest rates and may therefore be supportive for a currency in the short term. Nevertheless, a longer term inflation problem will eventually undermine confidence in the currency and weakness will follow.

    Producer Price Index

    The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a measure of the average level of prices of a fixed basket of goods received in primary markets by producers. The monthly PPI reports are widely followed as an indication of commodity inflation.

    The PPI is considered important because it accounts for price changes throughout the manufacturing sector.

    The PPI is often followed but excludes the food and energy components as these items are normally much more volatile than the rest of the PPI and can therefore obscure the more important underlying trend.

    Studying the PPI allows consideration of inflationary pressures that may be accumulating or receding, but have not yet filtered through to the finished goods prices.

    A rising PPI is normally expected to lead to higher consumer price inflation and thereby to potentially higher short-term interest rates. Higher rates will often have a short term positive impact on a currency, although significant inflationary pressure will often lead to an undermining of the confidence in the currency involved.

    Payroll Employment

    Payroll employment is a measure of the number of people being paid as employees by non-farm business establishments and units of government. Monthly changes in payroll employment reflect the net number of new jobs created or lost during the month and changes are widely followed as an important indicator of economic activity.

    Payroll employment is one of the primary monthly indicators of aggregate economic activity because it encompasses every major sector of the economy. It is also useful to examine trends in job creation in several industry categories because the aggregate data can mask significant deviations in underlying industry trends.

    Large increases in payroll employment are seen as signs of strong economic activity that could eventually lead to higher interest rates that are supportive of the currency at least in the short term. If, however, inflationary pressures are seen as building, this may undermine the longer term confidence in the currency.

    Durable Goods Orders

    Durable Goods Orders are a measure of the new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for immediate and future delivery of factory hard goods. Monthly percent changes reflect the rate of change of such orders.

    Levels of, and changes in, durable goods order are widely followed as an indicator of factory sector momentum.

    Durable Goods Orders are a major indicator of manufacturing sector trends because most industrial production is done to order. Often, the indicator is followed but excludes Defence and Transportation orders because these are generally much more volatile than the rest of the orders and can obscure the more important underlying trend.

    Durable Goods Orders are measured in nominal terms and therefore include the effects of inflation. Therefore the Durable Goods Orders should be compared to the trend growth rate in PPI to arrive at the real, inflation-adjusted Durable Goods Orders.

    Rising Durable Goods Orders are normally associated with stronger economic activity and can therefore lead to higher short-term interest rates that are often supportive to a currency at least in the short term.

    Retail Sales

    Retail Sales are a measure of the total receipts of retail stores. Monthly percentage changes reflect the rate of change of such sales and are widely followed as an indicator of consumer spending.

    Retails Sales are a major indicator of consumer spending because they account for nearly one-half of total consumer spending and approximately one-third of aggregate economic activity.

    Often, Retail Sales are followed less auto sales because these are generally much more volatile than the rest of the Retail Sales and can therefore obscure the more important underlying trend.

    Retail Sales are measured in nominal terms and therefore include the effects of inflation. Rising Retail Sales are often associated with a strong economy and therefore an expectation of higher short-term interest rates that are often supportive to a currency at least in the short term.

    Housing Starts

    Housing Starts are a measure of the number of residential units on which construction is begun each month and the level of housing starts is widely followed as an indicator of residential construction activity.

    The indicator is followed to assess the commitment of builders to new construction activity. High construction activity is usually associated with increased economic activity and confidence, and is therefore considered a harbinger of higher short-term interest rates that can be supportive of the involved currency at least in the short term. Oleh:forextrading

    Forex trading examples

    Example 1

    An investor has a margin deposit with Saxo Bank of USD 100,000.

    The investor expects the US dollar to rise against the Swiss franc and therefore decides to buy USD 2,000,000 - 2% of his maximum possible exposure at a 1% margin Forex gearing.

    The Saxo Bank dealer quotes him 1.5515-20. The investor buys USD at 1.5520.

    Day 1: Buy USD 2,000,000 vs. CHF 1.5520 = Sell CHF 3,104,000.

    Four days later, the dollar has actually risen to CHF 1.5745 and the investor decides to take his profit.

    Upon his request, the Saxo Bank dealer quotes him 1.5745-50. The investor sells at 1.5745.

    Day 5: Sell USD 2,000,000 vs. CHF 1.5745 = Buy CHF 3,149,000.

    As the dollar side of the transaction involves a credit and a debit of USD 2,000,000, the investor's USD account will show no change. The CHF account will show a debit of CHF 3,104,000 and a credit of CHF 3,149,000. Due to the simplicity of the example and the short time horizon of the trade, we have disregarded the interest rate swap that would marginally alter the profit calculation.

    This results in a profit of CHF 45,000 = approx. USD 28,600 = 28.6% profit on the deposit of USD 100,000.

    Example 2:

    The investor follows the cross rate between the EUR and the Japanese yen. He believes that this market is headed for a fall. As he is not quite confident of this trade, he uses less of the leverage available on his deposit. He chooses to ask the dealer for a quote in EUR 1,000,000. This requires a margin of EUR 1,000,000 x 5% = EUR 10,000 = approx. USD 52,500 (EUR /USD 1.05).

    The dealer quotes 112.05-10. The investor sells EUR at 112.05.

    Day 1: Sell EUR 1,000,000 vs. JPY 112.05 = Buy JPY 112,050,000.

    He protects his position with a stop-loss order to buy back the EUR at 112.60. Two days later, this stop is triggered as the EUR o strengthens short term in spite of the investor's expectations.

    Day 3: Buy EUR 1,000,000 vs. JPY 112.60 = Sell JPY 112,600,000.

    The EUR side involves a credit and a debit of EUR 1,000,000. Therefore, the EUR account shows no change. The JPY account is credited JPY 112.05m and debited JPY 112.6m for a loss of JPY 0.55m. Due to the simplicity of the example and the short time horizon of the trade, we have disregarded the interest rate swap that would marginally alter the loss calculation.

    This results in a loss of JPY 0.55m = approx. USD 5,300 (USD/JPY 105) = 5.3% loss on the original deposit of USD 100,000.

    Example 3

    The investor believes the Canadian dollar will strengthen against the US dollar. It is a long term view, so he takes a small position to allow for wider swings in the rate:

    He asks Saxo Bank for a quote in USD 1,000,000 against the Canadian dollar. The dealer quotes 1.5390-95 and the investor sells USD at 1.5390. Selling USD is the equivalent of buying the Canadian dollar.

    Day 1: Sell USD 1,000,000 vs. CAD 1.5390. He swaps the position out for two months receiving a forward rate of CAD 1.5357 = Buy CAD 1,535,700 for Day 61 due to the interest rate differential.

    After a month, the desired move has occurred. The investor buys back the US dollars at 1.4880. He has to swap the position forward for a month to match the original sale. The forward rate is agreed at 1.4865.

    Day 31: Buy USD 1,000,000 vs. CAD 1.4865 = Sell CAD 1,486,500 for Day 61.

    Day 61: The two trades are settled and the trades go off the books. The profit secured on Day 31 can be used for margin purposes before Day 61.

    The USD account receives a credit and debit of USD 1,000,000 and shows no change on the account. The CAD account is credited CAD 1,535,700 and debited CAD 1,486,500 for a profit of CAD 49,200 = approx. USD 33,100 = profit of 33.1% on the original deposit of USD 100,000. Oleh:forextrading

    Forex Trading Basics

    There are many reasons for the popularity of foreign exchange trading, but among the most important are the leverage available, the high liquidity 24 hours a day and the very low dealing costs associated with trading.

    Of course many commercial organisations participate purely due to the currency exposures created by their import and export activities, but the main part of the turnover is accounted for by financial institutions. Investing in foreign exchange remains predominantly the domain of the big professional players in the market - funds, banks and brokers. Nevertheless, any investor with the necessary knowledge of the market's functions can benefit from the advantages stated above.

    Margin Trading

    Foreign exchange is normally traded on margin. A relatively small deposit can control much larger positions in the market. For trading the main currencies, Saxo Bank requires a 1% margin deposit. This means that in order to trade one million dollars, you need to place just USD 10,000 by way of security.

    In other words, you will have obtained a gearing of up to 100 times. This means that a change of, say 2%, in the underlying value of your trade will result in a 200% profit or loss on your deposit. See below for specific examples. As you can see, this calls for a very disciplined approach to trading as both profit opportunities and potential risks are very large indeed.

    Base Currency and Variable Currency

    When you trade, you will always trade a combination of two currencies. For example, you will buy US dollars and sell euro. Or buy euro and sell Japanese yen, or any other combination of dozens of widely traded currencies. But there is always a long (bought) and a short (sold) side to a trade, which means that you are speculating on the prospect of one of the currencies strengthening in relation to the other.

    The trade currency is normally, but not always, the currency with the highest value. When trading US dollars against Singapore dollars, the normal way to trade is buying or selling a fixed amount of US dollars, i.e. USD 1,000,000. When closing the position, the opposite trade is done, again USD 1,000,000. The profit or loss will be apparent in the change of the amount of SGD credited and debited for the two transactions. In other words, your profit or loss will be denominated in SGD, which is known as the price currency. As part of our service, Saxo Bank will automatically exchange your profits and losses into your base currency if you require this.

    Dealing Spread, but No Commissions

    When trading foreign exchange, you are quoted a dealing spread offering you a buying and a selling level for your trade. Once you accept the offered price and receive confirmation from our dealers, the trade is done. There is no need to call an exchange floor. There are no other time-consuming delays. This is possible due to live streaming prices, which are also a great advantage in times of fast-moving markets: You can see where the market is trading and you know whether your orders are filled or not.

    The dealing spread is typically 3-5 points in normal market conditions. This means that you can sell US dollars against the euro at 1.7780 and buy at 1.7785. There are no further costs, commissions or exchange fees.

    This ensures that you can get in and out of your trades at very low slippage and many traders are therefore active intra-day traders, given that a typical day in USDEUR presents price swings of 150-200 points.

    Spot and forward trading

    When you trade foreign exchange you are normally quoted a spot price. This means that if you take no further steps, your trade will be settled after two business days. This ensures that your trades are undertaken subject to supervision by regulatory authorities for your own protection and security. If you are a commercial customer, you may need to convert the currencies for international payments. If you are an investor, you will normally want to swap your trade forward to a later date. This can be undertaken on a daily basis or for a longer period at a time. Often investors will swap their trades forward anywhere from a week or two up to several months depending on the time frame of the investment.

    Although a forward trade is for a future date, the position can be closed out at any time - the closing part of the position is then swapped forward to the same future value date.

    Interest Rate Differentials

    Different currencies pay different interest rates. This is one of the main driving forces behind foreign exchange trends. It is inherently attractive to be a buyer of a currency that pays a high interest rate while being short a currency that has a low interest rate.

    Although such interest rate differentials may not appear very large, they are of great significance in a highly leveraged position. For example, the interest rate differential between the US dollar and the Japanese yen has been approximately 5% for several years. In a position that can be supported by a 5% margin deposit, this results in a 100% profit on capital per annum when you buy the US dollar. Of course, an even more important factor normally is the relative value of the currencies, which changed 15% from low to high during 2005 – disregarding the interest rate differential. From a pure interest rate differential viewpoint, you have an advantage of 100% per annum in your favour by being long US dollar and an initial disadvantage of the same size by being short.

    Such a situation clearly benefits the high interest rate currency and as result, the US dollar was in a strong bull market all through 2005. But it is by no means a certainty that the currency with the higher interest rate will be strongest. If the reason for the high interest rate is runaway inflation, this may undermine confidence in the currency even more than the benefits perceived from the high interest rate.

    Stop-loss discipline

    As you can see from the description above, there are significant opportunities and risks in foreign exchange markets. Aggressive traders might experience profit/loss swings of 20-30% daily. This calls for strict stop-loss policies in positions that are moving against you.

    Fortunately, there are no daily limits on foreign exchange trading and no restrictions on trading hours other than the weekend. This means that there will nearly always be an opportunity to react to moves in the main currency markets and a low risk of getting caught without the opportunity of getting out. Of course, the market can move very fast and a stop-loss order is by no means a guarantee of getting out at the desired level.

    But the main risk is really an event over the weekend, where all markets are closed. This happens from time to time as many important political events, such as G7 meetings, are normally scheduled for weekends.

    For speculative trading, we always recommend the placement of protective stop-lossorders. With Saxo Bank Internet Trading you can easily place and change such orders while watching market development graphically on your computer screen. Oleh:forextrading

    Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

    Forex Trading Tutorial for Beginner

    What should you do before doing Forex trading.

    1. Prepare your computer.

    At Home: Find the most suitable location
    Want to trade Forex in your home? First, you have to find the best place to put your computer and use good ergonomic desk and chair, you should be comfortable sitting on a chair. If you can, find a place away from public areas of your house, you can use a separate room or in your bedroom.

    At Office: Check your office rules
    If you want to trade Forex you should check your office rules, some companies do not allow their employees doing other work than their work, ask your IT Manager you can do Forex trade in your computer in working hours or only for lunch?
    2005 - 2006 © Arisson Mercinova S.Kom.

    2. Prepare your Internet connection.

    Sustained access
    Internet Trading Forex need a stable and fast Internet access, a dial-up Internet access is enough, but you better be faster access to the Internet, find the ISP that can provide quick and cheap access to the Internet. And the most important is that the Internet access is not interrupted or disconnected often.

    Calculate your expense and your income
    Calculate your internet access charges as in Forex trade may be necessary to see chart display hourly each day trying to get more income than his expense. Perhaps at the beginning of training time you get a small income than expenses.

    3. Prepare you physical and mental.

    You must have healthy body
    In Online Forex trading you must have a healthy body suits, because once you have to trade until the end of the middle of the night because Forex Trading complete 24 hours daily rounding on each country trading time zone.

    Ready to get loss 2005 - 2006 © Arisson Mercinova S.Kom.
    The most important is your mental, as Forex Trading is not always profitable, once you will be losses, so prepare your mind and not anger and depression. Be safe play Forex, not to be greedy and want to get more profit in rapid time. Allocation little percentage of your deposit to get a little profit, after a few times, you get more profit.

    Forex is not same as HYIP
    If you usually play the HYIP before such as Autosurf, PTC, PTR, etc., so you must understand Forex Trading is not the same as a HYIP, if the HYIP you can get money allocated for the HYIP site and make a profit immediately, and then in Forex trade, you must manage your own money, you must practice more before becoming an expert in Forex Trading, learn a lot Forex Literature and many articles on the internet, even you should buy Forex books to expand your skills.

    Not surrender easily
    Maybe during training, you get lost, even in a large amount of loss, but please be patient is only temporary, and after learning of other Forex trader, you become an expert. So, always using virtual money before using real money.

    4. Expand your environment

    Use Marketiva chatting facility
    There is a chatting facility on Marketiva Streamster Software, log in there and find you country, you will be help by other expert traders, don't be afraid, keep active and ask anything you want to know. Oleh:oeang.com